Career Switch
Taking a Leap of Faith & Quitting my 9-5!

February 2017
So….I quit my good benefit, stable, full time salary job this week. Yep, I did it & I NEVER thought I would have the courage to leave. I am your typical first born, type A, responsible, let me think through every decision 15 times kinda girl. I don’t take big risks, I’m a saver not spender, I analyze everything, and I live off pro/con lists for each decision. As I sit here today after ending a career I thought I would have for a lifetime, I’m not sure how to feel. Seven years ago, I worked hard to get a good job out of college, one that would give me stability, allow me to use my degree, and provide me a good retirement. The “me” seven years ago would have balked at the idea of quitting and was focused on getting the job done, working late when needed, and figuring out how to move up. So what changed?
Well, simply put – I want more. I want a purpose, a challenge, a change, and a way to contribute positively to this world. Yes, these past 7 years provided me with great opportunities, allowed me to meet great people, form new friendships, learn a lot about myself, and the best of all, it’s where I met my husband. J I think you can always take something good away from a chapter in your life, but a couple of years ago, my mindset changed. I felt trapped every day, dreaded going to work, didn’t feel challenged, and most importantly didn’t feel like I was growing as a person. It just became the same mundane thing every damn day & I started thinking there has to be more than this in life. Am I really going to be stuck in this cubicle for the next 25-30 years until I retire?
[Side Note – I wrote about how I was feeling & what brought me to question everything in my last post titled “Is your passion your purpose?”]

Well I decided waiting around until my retirement was ready just wasn’t for me & starting tomorrow, I am embarking on a new adventure that’s all about fitness! I am going from a stable 9-5 job to an all over the place, unknown schedule in the fitness world. Is it a little nerve-wracking? YES!! I’m not going to sit here and say it’s all butterflies and roses and I’m feeling great – I’m scared shitless and I’ve questioned myself MANY times. The money is less, the job isn’t as stable, the hours fluctuate, and the future is unknown but you know what, it’s what I LOVE and I know that no matter what, I will make it work. I have had a job since I was 15 and working hard is just part of me – I will not give up when the going gets tough but instead I will figure out a way to succeed. I’ve learned, mainly thanks to my online coaching business, that mindset is SO powerful and it can really make or break you. Staying positive is how I am getting through those tough times when in my head I’m screaming – WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??? Believe me, I asked myself that plenty of times last week as I was gearing up to leave and I know it will creep back into my head, but self-doubt isn’t going to help anything. I’m going into this new adventure with an open mind & heart, a good attitude, and with a whole lot of determination! It may not fit into “my plan” or what I thought I would be doing but I am given an opportunity to make a change and I’m taking it. Have you made a big decision similar to this in your life? Would love to hear!
I’ll fill you in on how my first week goes in this “new life” next weekend! Until then my friends, just sweat the stress.
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Hi Kristi, this is Laura from NPBFBBC. I am in your 5:30 AM class. It is funny how you wrote this post on the 13th…the first day of our 28 day challenge.
Of course I am selfishly glad you are into fitness full time now because you are awesome.
I have been feeling the same way myself. I worked full time to put myself through school. Which took forever because I have a double masters. I keep thinking “this cannot be what life is about”. Trying to figure out what life should be and if I should change careers and to what? We are very similar. I am the first born, Type A, saver, 401K checker. I am glad you had the courage to do it!
Aww you are so sweet Laura! I absolutely LOVE our 5:30am class, you guys are awesome & you give it your all every morning. I enjoyed chatting with you about this topic, it is such a hard one to figure out. On one hand, you have worked hard to get where you are & make sure you are able to take care of bills & things like that, but on the other hand, you want to be happy! It’s definitely difficult for us Type A people to make these big decisions & leave something stable so I totally get where you are coming from. I know you are in a different stage in life but I do hope something you love comes your way & an opportunity comes up! You are such a positive person & a hard worker, you deserve to do something you love. Life is short & at the end of the day I think we all want to do something we are proud of. 🙂 See you tomorrow at 5:30am!