Career Switch
First Week in the New Life

February 2017
That FLEW by! As promised, I wanted to write and provide an update as to how the first week in my new fitness life went. Well, first let me apologize for being a little later than expected (I’ll address why later) and second let me say, it was EXCITING! I’m doing a multitude of different things and one of them was to help open a brand new fitness franchise (Fit Body Bootcamp, if you’ve heard of it) in our area so that was both new & different for me. Along with the owner, I got to teach the very first 5:30am class of the week and it was AWESOME! Everyone was new, nervous, and had no idea what to expect so being there with them on this new journey was such a cool experience. I was able to coach them through by providing support and encouragement, as they sweat their butts off of course! J Being able to be a part of the bootcamp fitness family and to be there from the beginning is a unique experience and one that I’m lucky to have. Oh and I was afraid that I would dread getting up at 4:15am every morning to teach but I actually really enjoyed it, especially when I was done with my day at 1pm! Even when you think new habits are going to be REALLY hard, you never know how much you may actually like the new change. Plus, when I’m out there teaching and moving around, its 7am before I know it & I’ve already taught two classes. Good distractions!
Along with having a successful week at the bootcamp, I was able to teach a spin class and have more time to work on my online coaching business. Being the structured person I am, I was able to set my own schedule each afternoon (thanks to my Passion Planner which I LOVE!) which involved puppy playtime after work, my own workouts & PiYo practice at home, and of course time for my business & spin prep. I kind of like this whole set your own schedule thing & I do love the idea of really being my own boss in the future. Goals! Was it strange to not be in an office every day? Yes! But I’ll tell you I didn’t miss it and really liked having the freedom in the afternoon to do whatever I wanted, including actually getting outside and smelling the fresh air! I think my dog is loving it as well since she gets a lot more mama time these days, although I do interrupt her afternoon naps so not sure how she feels about that.
I do have to say that I think I got a little too excited in my first week & just wanted to do EVERYTHING that I kind of exhausted myself & got pretty sick. Hence why I’m writing late, I have been completely wiped out this past week & could barely get off the couch. Apparently I got this crazy virus thing that spiked my temperature up to 102.3, gave me a very sore throat (also because I taught/talked too much lol), caused severe congestion & sinus pain, body aches, and now some kind of toothache caused by the sinus pressure. I didn’t even know that could happen! So as awesome as the first week was, I think I overdid it (I’m not the only one who gets overly excited about new things right?) and my body is punishing me for it. I don’t take resting & recovering very easily because I always think of a million other things I could be doing instead of sitting on the couch, but this time was different. I did listen to my body & really try to take care of myself. You can’t take care of others if you aren’t at your best. If you are stubborn like me, it’s hard to give in but it’s really the best thing you can do for yourself. Plus, use it as an excuse to catch up on your shows. This is Us binge anyone??
Despite it being a miserable second week of sickness (I’m still trying to recover), things went very well & I enjoyed this new way of life. I am very much looking forward to this new chapter in life & very soon I plan to be back on track & continuing to help other people both in person & online with their fitness goals. Yes, life will get you down & try to rain on your parade but it’s what you do to fight back & get through it that makes you stronger. As usual my friends, when in doubt sweat it out.
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