Career Switch
When New Opportunities Come Knocking, What Do You Do?
May 2017
Sometimes I’m a little stubborn (well if you ask my husband it’s more than just “sometimes”) and I get set in my own ways. I like plans, I like schedules, I like to do things I know & I’m comfortable with, but can we just go through life being comfortable? Sure you can I guess but what fun is that? Let’s be honest, when do our lives go perfectly according to the “plan”? Probably not much unless you have some sort of secret power the rest of us don’t. If so, please share!
Starting a new venture is scary, it’s unknown, and we aren’t sure if we will succeed or fail. The one thing I do know is that we can give it our best effort and just try. We may not know everything at first (and we aren’t expected to) but over time we learn, we adjust, and we get better. What’s something in your life you have either been approached to try or you have had in the back of your mind for a while? What is stopping you from going for it?

I’ll let you in on my new opportunity that got me thinking about this topic, since I think many people can relate. If you read any of my previous blog posts, you probably know back in February of this year I resigned from a 9-5 job I’ve had for 6 and a half years to pursue fitness, my passion. It’s been a crazy adventure so far and I’m still trying to navigate this new world and figure out which direction I want to go in. I’ve primarily only known the world of group fitness since I started out as a spin instructor. I’ve since taught a format called PiYo (pilates/yoga/strength training) and I teach bootcamp classes at a studio 5 days a week. The group fitness atmosphere has been my thing and I love the energy of it! I was approached about a week ago from a friend who asked if I do one on one personal training. Yes, I am a certified personal trainer but I haven’t explored the world of one on one yet (not that it hasn’t been in the back of my mind). Of course, my head pops up with all these thoughts…
Will I be good at one on one?
Will I be able to come up with a good training plan?
Will I be able to help her achieve her goals?
Oh gosh, what forms & policies do I need to start my own business?
And on and on with the questions in my head! One on one training is a new realm for me, I’ll have to look at fitness from a whole new perspective and focus on helping to transform the life of one person rather than a group full of people. At the same time, it’s exciting and it can open up doors to new places & opportunities that I didn’t think about before. I think the fear of doing something new is the one thing that holds us back and makes us question everything, at least for me it does. If you are a risk taker and you just go with the flow, then you may not stop and ask yourself a million questions like I do. But if you are like me and over think everything, new opportunities can cause stress & anxiety. Which type of person are you?
For the over thinkers, all I can say is if we don’t try, we will never know what can happen. We can’t live in fear our whole lives by worrying about screwing up or failing, all we can do is put our best foot forward and TRY. Don’t let fear hold you back from doing something that could bring amazing opportunity to your life! Go out there and face it head on and know that anything new is a process and will take time to learn. At the end of the day, if you gave it your all, then you can sleep soundly knowing you tried. 🙂 One on one personal training will be new & maybe a little nerve-wracking at first but it’s also super exciting and fun to think of the possibilities that will come from it! Plus, I’m honored that she asked me, how cool is that??! I will get to help change someone’s life for the better and that is what gives me the drive to put my big girl pants on and get out there and do it. Whatever it is that you think you can’t do or you are scared to do, just TRY and see what happens. You may just surprise yourself!
Of course, when in doubt, go sweat it out! 🙂
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