Mom Life

A Breech Baby, a C-Section, and the Day I Became a Mom


February 2018

It’s been a while since I’ve written a post, new mom life doesn’t leave you with much spare time (and when you have it, either sleep or a shower is necessary!) but I do want to get back to blogging and share some of my experiences with you so I’m finding pockets of time to do that.

If you read my last blog post you know my baby was in breech position at 37 weeks and I was trying anything and everything to move him so I could have a natural vaginal birth. Well, I quickly realized not only was my baby stubborn, but he wanted to make his appearance in the world sooner than expected.  J

When I wrote my last blog post at 37 weeks I was preparing (and trying to stay hopeful) for the ECV procedure to try to manually move the baby, but it was unsuccessful and it was PAINFUL. It was excruciating and I was sore for days after from the pressure the doctor applied to my belly to try and move him. The fact that it didn’t work not only left me in physical pain, but emotional pain as well. I knew it was the last thing the doctors could do to move the baby so the rest was up to me. Little did I know, I didn’t have much time. I continued with at home techniques I learned and went to a Chiropractor specializing in breech babies hoping my 38 week ultrasound would bring better news. It did not. The ultrasound showed him in breech position and talks of a scheduled C section were getting more serious. We decided not to schedule one just yet, I still had 2 weeks until my due date so I wanted to give it as much time as possible. After posting my struggles with breech on Facebook, I had many comments from friends that either had their baby turn late in pregnancy or knew of a friend who did so I was still hopeful.

Then October 7th, 2017 came and it was the day I became a mom…….

It was very early on a Saturday morning that I started having what I thought were just the usual Braxton Hicks contractions, but they kept getting more and more painful. I was 38 weeks and 2 days and I didn’t really take the possibility of me being in labor that seriously since it was early. BUT the pain started spreading to my lower back, which left me breathless and in tears. It wasn’t until I talked to my mom on the phone and she heard the pain I was in that I finally realized I was in labor!! I was only 38 weeks, my husband hadn’t  packed a hospital bag, my sister was away at a wedding, and I wasn’t sure if the baby had turned….this can’t be happening right??? A couple hours later I was in the hospital 3 centimeters dilated with an ultrasound showing the baby was still breech. I looked at the doctor and asked if there was anything we could do and I knew from his look there was not. As they prepped me for a C section, I was scared as hell and excited to meet our baby at the same time. A part of me was very disappointed that I wasn’t going to have the birth I wanted and after a good cry about it with my husband, I did everything I could to turn my disappointment into excitement. After all we would be meeting our baby soon!!! I have never had major surgery before so I have to say being wheeled in to the very cold (both temperature and atmosphere) operating room was terrifying. There were nurses running around everywhere prepping, an anesthesiologist explaining my lower half was about to go numb, and before I knew it a curtain in front of my face. I don’t know how to describe a C section other than saying it didn’t hurt but I felt the pressure from the doctor when he was getting ready to pull the baby out so for lack of a better word, it felt weird. I cannot begin to explain the emotions I felt when I first heard my baby boy cry (and boy did he whale coming out of my belly!), tears were streaming down my face and all I felt was pure love for this baby that had had been growing in my stomach for the past nine months. It was BEYOND amazing and once they handed my husband our baby (which was the sweetest thing ever to watch) and he put his sweet little face next to mine, I never knew I could love someone so much. I was completely overtaken by the love I had for this child and the amazement that it was him in my belly the whole time! In that moment, the way he came into this world didn’t matter, he was here and he was a healthy beautiful little boy. We were SO in love and proud to be his parents. Later on that day, I learned from the doctor that the umbilical cord was wrapped around his little neck which prevented him from moving down head first. So in the end, it all worked out the way it was supposed to.


If there are any other first time moms out there in a similar situation with a breech baby and the possibility of a C section, please feel free to send me a message or leave a comment. I’m always willing to share my experiences!



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