Personal Development
My Favorite Podcasts
August 21st, 2018
When I started digging into personal development a couple years ago, podcasts became part of my life and I always look forward to listening to new episodes. They kept me company during my morning and evening commute when I worked my 9-5 and now they accompany me on walks with my little guy. I can always find something inspirational, educational, or just entertaining depending on my mood. Many times, episodes have given me new ideas for my business or helped me work through things that are going on in my personal life. I love hearing new perspectives and finding inspiration through the stories of others.

Maybe you have some you love or you are just exploring this world but either way, here are a few of my favorites.


Your Kick Ass Life Podcast

Gotta love that name right? This girl gives it to you straight, talks candid about what’s going on in her life, and has some awesome guests on the show!

The Chalene Show

I just love her!! Not only is she an awesome fitness instructor but she is super motivating, upbeat, and honest. She has built an amazing business with her husband (who pops in on some episodes) and talks about everyday struggles we all go through, always finding a way to put a positive spin on it.

Build Your Tribe

Obviously I’m a big fan! This podcast is geared toward all of us entrepreneurs building our businesses and trying to change the world. She offers a lot of great tips and advice on a variety of topics (and she is a social media expert).

Operation Self Reset

I just love his perspective on all things life and business. He is a firefighter who works his podcast/business on the side which shows his dedication to helping others! To me, he seems like a down to earth family guy who doesn’t take himself too seriously and always finds a way to inspire with each episode!

I met these amazing women when I first started as a group fitness instructor. When I heard they started a podcast, I was so excited to listen! It was in one of Kim’s spin classes that I asked about becoming an instructor and for her advice, she lead me to Les Mills where I got my very first certification in RPM! They were both super supportive of me and it’s so fun listening to them on their podcast. They each bring a different perspective which I think makes for a perfect match and great episodes. Absolutely love them!

The GaryVee Show

I will warn you, if you are NOT ok with profanity and tough love, this one isn’t for you. If you haven’t heard of Gary V, you are in for a real treat because he does not hold ANYTHING back and he will give you every reason (and then some) of why your excuses are just your way of being lazy. I was able to hear him speak in person at a Beachbody convention and he is firecracker! If you are building a business and need a real kick in the a$$, listen to his podcast and he will light a fire in you like no other.

I hope you enjoy these podcasts (if you haven’t listened to them yet)! I’m always open to listening to new ones so if you have any recommendations please leave them in the comments.




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