Gift Ideas for New Grandparents

My giftspiration series continues and this one is all about the new Grandparents. Our son was the first grandchild on both sides of the family so we were on a mission to find the best gifts for our parents since it’s such an exciting time in their lives as well! We were SO excited to give them all of these gifts and couldn’t wait to see the smile on their face. Here are our favorites.
Picture Frames
- This little Grandbaby picture frame is the absolute sweetest! If your little one is still nice & cozy in your belly, this is perfect gift for the Grandparents to be. It could also be a sweet way to announce your pregnancy!
- This frame is for Grandma (or “Nonna” for my mom) and it’s a beautiful glass picture frame that will look great in any room, my mom loved it!
- I just love this fun picture frame for a new Grandpa, my Dad always knows how to bring the fun so this picture frame was perfect for him.
- These gorgeous frames I found on Etsy may be my favorite! It’s a sweet quote tailored to whoever you choose (I did one for my parents and one for my sister as a new Aunt gift) and the company was fantastic with helping me choose the perfect one. You send them any picture you want, choose which frame/quote you’d like, and they send you proofs to pick from. I think it’s a unique frame and I highly recommend it!
My son LOVES his books and we read so much! You can never go wrong with getting a special book your parents can read to your little one.
- For Grandpa – If your Dad or Father-in-law has a good sense of humor, this book is perfect! We all need to keep Grandpa in line every once in a while.
- For Grandma – This one is a tear jerker, my mom couldn’t even read the whole book without crying (me too) when I first gave it to her. It’s SO true and such a great book for any Grandma to read to their grandchild.
Other Cute Gifts
- This shirt is the BEST for a new Grandpa, especially if you are Italian like me and The Godfather is a classic in your family. My Dad wore it to the hospital the day I had my son and this picture of them holding him for the very first time always puts a huge smile on my face.
- This cute pillow with the classic Grandma quote (“Only the Best Moms get promoted to Grandma”) is a fun gift for any Grandma to remind her of her beautiful growing family!
I loved seeing the excitement and pure happiness in my parents eyes when they first learned they were going to be Grandparents and when they held my sweet boy for the first time, it’s such a special feeling. I had so much fun picking out and giving these gifts to them and I hope you do too!
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