3 Move Booty Workout!

Who doesn’t love a good booty workout, yes?! It’s one of the areas I hear many women say they want to strengthen and build so I thought I’d give you some simple moves to help. I LOVE using my booty bands to give myself an extra challenge! Check out the video and exercises below. 

3 Move Booty Workout

Do each move for 30 seconds

  1. Straight Leg Lifts
  2. Straight Leg Circles
  3. Fire Hydrants

You can perform these exercises without a band but if you have one, place the band around your thighs and do each move for 30 seconds ALL on one leg, then switch and repeat on the other side. Take a 30 second rest and then repeat on both sides. Add this booty blast to the end of your workout for a little extra burn! If you would like to get some fun booty bands, see this blog post for my recommendation.  

As always, reach out to me with any questions or for help on your fitness journey!

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