As happy and exited as I was for both events in my life, the beginning of it all was difficult. I loved the freedom of not being stuck at a desk anymore & the fact that I got to be a part of new fitness studio opening was awesome, but the changes going on in my body were all so new. The one thing about fitness (that I of course love) is the physical challenge of it & as an instructor I wanted to be in there teaching, doing the moves with them, and exerting all my energy to motivate them. I did do that but quickly learned my body couldn’t give as much, especially in the first trimester, and that was difficult for me. Within the first week of my new job & after teaching about 25 classes, I went down fast & got a horrible sinus infection that lasted for about 2 and half weeks. Of course being pregnant I couldn’t take anything so I just had to work it out on my own, which I did with the help of my sweet husband and family. On top of that, I was experiencing some issues (don’t want to get to detailed lol) that resulted in my doctor restricting me from working out. Working out was now my job so I really had to take a step back and rely on others to help me get through that rough time. Not only was it hard job-wise but it was hard for me NOT to work out and break a sweat each day. Working out for me is my happy place; it’s my stress relief and my time to myself. Without that release, I was going a little cray cray & then you add hormones on top of that lol!! All I can say is thank god my husband is a patient man.
Of course, when in doubt, sweat it out (unless you have a doctor’s note not to!)!!!
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