My Favorite At Home Gym Equipment

At the time I’m writing this (August 2020), we are in the midst of the COVID pandemic. Since social distancing is our “new normal,” many of us want (and need) to create a home gym. While some gyms and studios may be open with limited class times and new social distancing policies, this may not be ideal for everyone. So if you’ve hopped on the at home gym bandwagon, I’m here to help! We converted most of our garage into a home gym about 5 years ago and love how convenient it is. Especially now with two kids! As a mom, having a space to workout is pretty crucial to my sanity. 

We’ve acquired quite the assortment of equipment over the years and below are links to some of my favorites. They range in price, size, and useability so you can decide which ones may be best for you.  I hope this list gives you some ideas and motiation for your next at home workout! 

I can’t tell you how much I love the TRX! There are SO many different exercises you can do to target different muscles groups. You won’t get bored! It’s a favorite of all my clients mainly because it really engages your core…6 pack here we come!

Dumbells are pretty standard in any gym and are always a great option to have at home. You can start with two different weight sizes so you have a light & medium option to progress your workouts. Either a 5lb./10lb. or 8lb./12lb.combination is great! I would suggest slowly building your weight selection as you go, especially if you are budget conscious. Here are some I found that have great reviews but search around to find ones that best fit your needs!

There is so much you can do with a stability ball!  Two of my favorite exercises are hamstring curls and glute bridges, the ball really gives you that extra burn. There are also a ton of core exercises you can perform using the ball…plank on a stability ball anyone?! So challenging! 

Holy core! If you are getting bored with some of your core exercises, add sliders to keep challenging yourself. If you are plank expert, use these when you do a mountain climber and feel the burn. It’s an easy to store piece of equipment that will go a long way! 

If you follow me on social media (I would love it if you did!), I post a lot of exercises using booty bands. I absolutely love them and you can do SO much with them! Plus, who doesn’t love a good booty workout?! I have also used them for upper body exercises (tricep kickbacks) and core exercises (try putting one around your feet when you do a bicycle crunch) and they give you that extra burn that feels so good.

You may think a Step is too old school but I’m telling you, it’s not and it works! Just try doing a reverse lunge on itand let me know how your legs feel the day after. This is an easy to store piece of equipment that can add that extra punch to your workout. The one I have isn’t available anymore but looks very similar to the one pictured on the left.  

This will all depend on what surface you are using but if it’s a garage like mine, I LOVE Gorilla Mats! AND they are NON-TOXIC which was hard for me to find. I bought the large size and covered half our garage with it. I’ve had them for about a year and so far they have proved to be very durable. 

I hope you find some fitspiration in this post to set up your own home gym. There really is so much you can do at home so don’t give up on your fitness goals because of COVID! As always, reach out if you have any questions or need help in your fitness journey. 

*The list above contains Amazon Affiliate links so I do make a small commission, at no cost to you of course.



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