Kristi Davis
Fitness Coach and Mom BossEmpowering Women to live their best life
” You have the strength to overcome life’s obstacles, you just have to believe you can.”
My Journey to a Healthy Lifestyle
Mom. Wife. Daughter. Personal Trainer.
My story includes so many twists, turns, and bumps in the road (as I’m sure many can relate). I grew up in Northern Virginia with my fun loving family of five. My parents worked full-time while raising three very active kids. We lived in a tight knit community where no matter where you went, you ran into someone you knew. I’m your typical type A first born who has everything planned out (all the time) but I absolutely never imagined that something so tragic could happen to my family. I was a freshman in college trying to navigate my new world when everything came crashing down. On September 25th, 2006 I received the worst call of my life, it was my Dad’s voice telling me my younger brother died. That is the moment my life forever changed and a moment that has shaped me into who I am today.
Gaining the Strength to Move Forward
When you reach the lowest point in your life (at least I hope it was), you choose a way to try to dig yourself out of depression and help with the pain. We all have our chosen outlets (good and bad) – alcohol, drugs, a job, faith, a relationship, a friend, etc. I chose fitness or you could say fitness chose me. I desperately needed an outlet, something to help me deal with the pain and get away from it all. That outlet became the gym. I didn’t want to go to therapy but I had so much anger, resentment, and sadness that I had to get out some way, somehow. I found release by sweating it out. It was the only time I could escape into my own world and just leave everything behind. It was my relief and something I absolutely needed to get me through those extremely dark and sad days. Fitness saved me and it allowed me to feel again and start coping with the unbelievable loss I just experienced. I started to sweat the stress and I continue to do so to this day.
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
Today, life looks completely different. I am happily married, building a business I love, and a mom to my little boy Ricky, who is named after my brother and my husband’s father. My husband lost his father, whose name was Ricky as well, when he was thirteen years old. It’s so special to us that our first born is named after two very important people in our lives who aren’t able to be with us today. We cherish every moment together and love creating a healthy lifestyle for ourselves and our little one.

I would love to connect & hear your story as well. Feel free to reach out to me anytime!
My Mission
I believe in the power of fitness. My mission is to help others sweat the stress to be the best version of themselves. To use my passion to empower others, inspire change, and make a positive impact. I am proud to stand behind a brand that helps change lives in a positive way and empowers women to go after their goals. A piece of my heart broke when I lost my brother and there isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t think of him, Sweat the Stress has given me purpose and a positive way forward. My hope is to help others who have gone through hard times and show them that fitness can not only have a positive effect on your physical body, but on your emotions and mental health as well.

Featured Publication
- Conversations with the Inspiring Kristi Davis VoyageMIA Magazine